Decree of the People’s Government of Guangdong Province
No. 220
The Provisions of Guangdong Province on the Accountability System of the People’s Governments at All Levels for Cracking Down Illegal Acts of Producing and Distributing Fake and Shoddy Goods amended and adopted at the 65th Executive Meeting of the 12th Session of the People’s Government of Guangdong Province on December 25, 2015 are hereby promulgated on January 26, 2016 and shall become effective as of March 1, 2016.
省长 朱小丹
Governor Zhu Xiaodan
January 26, 2016
Provisions of Guangdong Province on the Accountability System of People’s Governments
at All Levels for Cracking down Illegal Acts of Producing and
Distributing Fake and Shoddy Goods
第一条 为了明确各级人民政府打击制售假冒伪劣商品违法行为(以下简称打假)工作职责,保护生产者、销售者、消费者和用户的合法权益,维护公平竞争的市场经济秩序,根据《广东省查处生产销售假冒伪劣商品违法行为条例》等有关规定,制定本规定。
Article 1
These Provisions are formulated for the purposes of specifying the duties and responsibilities of the people’s governments at all levels on cracking down illegal acts of producing and distributing fake and shoddy goods (hereinafter referred to as “crackdown”), protecting the legitimate interests of producers, distributors, consumers and users, and maintaining fair competition in the market economic order in accordance with such relevant provisions as the Regulations of Guangdong Province on Investigation and Crackdown of Illegal Acts of Producing and Distributing Fake and Shoddy Goods.
第二条 各级人民政府应当建立打假工作领导协调机制,明确承担日常工作的机构,负责组织、协调、监督检查本行政区域打假工作。
Article 2
People’s governments at all levels shall set up a coordination mechanism for the crackdown work, specify the organs that assume daily crackdown work, and take charge of organizing, coordinating, supervising and inspecting the crackdown work within their respective administrative regions.
People’s governments at all levels shall reinforce the construction of organs that assume the daily crackdown work, and safeguard the funds needed for crackdown work to the organs thereof according to law.
第三条 政府主要负责人是打假和查处重点案件的第一责任人,分管领导是打假工作的直接责任人。
Article 3
The principal person-in-charge of a government is the first person responsible for the investigation and crackdown in key cases, and the leaders in charge of the crackdown work thereof are the persons directly responsible for the crackdown work.
People’s governments at all levels shall implement a level-by-level accountability system for the crackdown work, and the dispatched organs established according to law shall be responsible to the people’s governments establishing such dispatched organs.
People’s governments at all levels and their dispatched organs shall break down and assign the crackdown task to relevant units, sign the “Crackdown Accountability Statement” level by level, and include the implementation of crackdown work into the annual assessment.
第四条 各级人民政府应当建立健全打假工作联动机制,构建打假信息共享平台,加强跨地区、跨部门的打假工作协作。
Article 4
People’s governments at all levels shall establish and improve a linkage mechanism for the crackdown work, build a platform for sharing crackdown information, and strengthen the trans-regional and trans-department cooperation in the crackdown work.
People’s governments at all levels shall explore and carry out comprehensive law enforcement on the crackdown work, and implement trans-department comprehensive law enforcement in the fields that have met required conditions.
第五条 各级人民政府负责组织领导本行政区域内打假工作。县级以上质监、工商、食品药品监督管理、卫生、农业、知识产权、公安等部门(以下统称监督管理部门)按照各自职责负责组织开展打假工作。
Article 5
People’s governments at all levels shall be responsible for organizing and leading the crackdown work within their respective administrative regions. Such authorities as departments of the quality supervision, industry and commerce, food and drug supervision and administration, health, agriculture, intellectual property, and public security at the county level or above (hereinafter referred to as the “supervisory and administrative departments”) shall be responsible for organizing and carrying out the crackdown work according to their respective duties and functions.
People’s governments at the higher level shall reinforce the guidance and supervision of the crackdown work carried out by the people’s governments at the lower level, while the people’s governments at the lower level shall cooperate to carry out the crackdown work within their respective administrative regions organized and implemented by the people’s governments at the higher level and the supervisory and administrative departments to which they are subordinate; and when the supervisory and administrative departments carry out the crackdown work outside their administrative regions according to law, the local people’s governments and relevant supervisory and administrative departments shall provide assistance and cooperation.
第六条 县级以上人民政府应当加强对重点商品、重点市场、重点地区的专项查处工作的组织与协调,将群众反映强烈、假冒伪劣商品集散地和制假售假严重的地区或者市场作为重点查处的区域,明确整治期限和要求,加强督查、督办。
Article 6
People’s governments at the county level or above shall strengthen their organization and coordination in the special investigation against key goods, key markets and key regions, attach great importance to the distributing centers of fake and shoddy goods and regions or markets with rampant production and distribution of fake and shoddy goods as criticized strongly by the public, specify the rectification time limit and requirements, and reinforce the supervision of such investigation and crackdown work.
第七条 县级以上人民政府应当将生产、销售严重危及人体健康、生命财产安全的假冒伪劣商品案件以及涉外案件列为重点案件,由政府主要负责人负责督促案件的查处。
Article 7
People’s governments at the county level or above shall list cases involving the production and distribution of fake and shoddy goods that seriously endanger the safety of human health, life and property and cases involving foreign elements as the key cases, and the principal leaders in charge of the governments shall be responsible for supervising and urging the investigation of such cases.
第八条 各级人民政府应当将本地区查处假冒伪劣商品的工作部署和查办重点案件情况及时报告上一级人民政府,并依法将查处情况向社会公开。
Article 8
People’s governments at all levels shall report the arrangement of investigation and crackdown of fake and shoddy goods and the investigation and handling results of key cases in their administrative regions to the people’s governments at the higher level, and release the information on investigation and crackdown to the public by law.
第九条 县级以上人民政府应当加强执法队伍建设,加大对行政执法人员的监督力度,对不依法行使职权的行为予以查处。
Article 9
People’s governments at the county level or above shall reinforce the construction of law enforcement team, strengthen the supervision over the law enforcement officials, and investigate and handle any acts of failing to perform the functions and powers according to law.
第十条 各级人民政府应当督促并支持监督管理部门加强行政执法与刑事司法衔接工作,监督管理部门应当及时向公安部门移送涉嫌犯罪案件或线索,并抄送同级检察机关。
Article 10
People’s governments at all levels shall urge and support the supervisory and administrative departments to strengthen the linkage between the administrative and criminal law enforcement work , and the supervision and administration departments shall timely submit suspected criminal cases or clues to the public security departments and send a copy to the people’s procuratorate at the same level.
第十一条 各级人民政府及其监督管理部门应当畅通举报投诉渠道,依法保护举报投诉人的合法权益,不得泄露举报内容以及举报人的信息。
Article 11
People’s governments at all levels and their supervisory and administrative departments shall maintain an unobstructed complaint and reporting channel, shall protect the legitimate rights and interests of reporters according to law, and shall not disclose any content of the reports and any information of the reporters.
After the cases have been investigated and handled according to law, the supervisory and administrative departments shall reward the reporters in accordance with relevant provisions.
第十二条 县级以上人民政府应当对下级人民政府履行本规定以及《广东省查处生产销售假冒伪劣商品违法行为条例》规定职责的情况进行考核。
Article 12
People’s governments at the county level or above shall assess the performance of the people’s governments at the lower level in fulfilling their functions and duties stipulated by these Provisions and the Regulations of Guangdong Province on Investigation and Crackdown of Illegal Acts of Producing and Distributing Fake and Shoddy Goods.
People’s governments at the higher level that carry out the assessment shall circulate the assessment results and release the results to the public; the people’s governments at the lower level subject to the assessment shall rectify any problems found in the assessment work in a timely manner, and report the rectification results to the assessment authority in writing.
The organ under the provincial government that assumes the daily crackdown tasks shall work with the departments concerned to formulate the detailed assessment rules.
第十三条 县级以上人民政府及其监督管理部门应当建立责任追究制度,对未依法履行打假职责的,依法追究相关人员的责任。
Article 13
People’s governments at the county level or above and their supervisory and administrative departments shall establish an accountability system, and any official who fails to perform his functions and duties of crackdown according to law shall be held accountable.
Where the assessment authority finds that any administrative organ subject to the assessment has practiced any fault or fraud in the assessment work, a notice of criticism shall be circulated and the relevant persons shall be held accountable according to law.
Where any official harbors any authority that is subject to the assessment or practices any fault or fraud resulting in unfair and unjust assessment results in the course of the assessment, he/she shall be held accountable according to law.
第十四条 本规定自2016年3月1日起施行。1997年1月27日省人民政府发布的《广东省各级人民政府打击制售假冒伪劣商品违法行为工作责任制规定》(粤府〔1997〕5号)同时废止。
Article 14
These Provisions shall become effective as of March 1, 2016. The Provisions of Guangdong Province on the Accountability System of the People’s Governments at All Levels for Cracking down Illegal Acts of Producing and Distributing Fake and Shoddy Goods promulgated by the provincial people’s government on January 27, 1997 (Decree of the People’s Government of Guangdong (1997) No. 5) shall be repealed simultaneously.