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第233号 广东省森林和陆生野生动物类型自然保护区管理办法

时间 : 2019-07-04 09:40:22 来源 : 广东省司法厅
【字体 :



Decree of the People’s Government of Guangdong Province

No. 233


The Measures of Guangdong Province on the Administration of Natural Reserves of Forest and Terrestrial Wild Animals adopted at the 95th Executive Meeting of the 12th Session of the People’s Government of Guangdong Province on February 8, 2017 are hereby promulgated and shall become effective as of May 1, 2017.

省长 马兴瑞

 Governor Ma Xingrui


March 6, 2017


Measures of Guangdong Province on the Administration of Natural Reserves of Forest and Terrestrial Wild Animals

第一章 总 则

Chapter I General Provisions

第一条 为了加强我省森林和陆生野生动物类型自然保护区的建设和管理,根据《中华人民共和国森林法》《中华人民共和国自然保护区条例》和《森林和野生动物类型自然保护区管理办法》等法律法规,结合本省实际,制定本办法。

Article 1 

These Measures are formulated for the purpose of enhancing the construction and administration of natural reserves of forest and terrestrial wild animals in this Province in accordance with such laws and regulations as the Forest Law of the People’s Republic of China, the Regulations of the People’s Republic of China on Natural Reserves and the Measures on Administration of Natural Reserves of Forest and Wild Animals and in light of the actual situation of this Province.

第二条 本省行政区域内森林和陆生野生动物类型自然保护区(以下简称自然保护区)的建设和管理,适用本办法。

Article 2 

These Measures shall apply to the construction and administration of natural reserves of forest and terrestrial wild animals (hereinafter referred to as “natural reserves”) within the administrative region of this Province.

第三条 县级以上人民政府环境保护主管部门负责自然保护区的综合管理。

Article 3 

The competent environmental protection department of the people’s governments at the county level or above shall be responsible for the integrated management of natural reserves.


The competent forestry departments of the people’s governments at the county level or above shall undertake the construction and management of natural reserves within the limit of their functions and duties.

第四条 县级以上人民政府应当将自然保护区建设纳入国民经济和社会发展规划,省级以上自然保护区日常管理经费纳入省级财政预算,不足部分由市、县财政予以保障。市、县级自然保护区建设资金和日常管理经费参照省级以上自然保护区的做法,由市、县财政予以保障。

Article 4 

People’s governments at the county level or above shall include the construction of natural reserves in the national economic and social development plan and incorporate the daily management expenses of natural reserves at the provincial level or above into the provincial budget, and the expenses which cannot be covered by the provincial budget shall be funded by the city finance or county finance. The construction funds and daily management expenses of natural reserves at the municipal or county level shall be paid by reference to that of natural reserves at the provincial level or above and shall be funded by the city finance or county finance.

第二章 自然保护区的建立、调整和撤销

Chapter II Establishment, Adjustment and Revocation of Natural Reserves

第五条 我省下列地区应当建立自然保护区:

Article 5 

Natural reserves shall be established in the following areas of this Province:


(1) Tropical rain forest, monsoon forest, typical subtropical evergreen broad-leaved forest and other natural ecosystems with special protection value, or similar natural ecosystems that have been damaged but can be restored through proper protection;


(2) Main habitats and breeding grounds of valuable and rare or peculiar terrestrial wild animals or of terrestrial wild animals with special protection value, and native areas of forest plants and key collection places of type specimens of such forest plants;


(3) Mangrove forests in key areas, important waterfowl habitats, key river source areas and water conservation areas;


(4) Ecologically sensitive areas that need to be protected and are of importance in maintaining ecological balance; and


(5) Other areas that need special protection.


No area of natural reserves is allowed to overlap that of scenic areas, forest parks, geological parks and wetland parks, and if there is any overlapping area, such overlapping area shall be subject to strict management.

第六条 自然保护区分为国家级和地方级自然保护区,地方级自然保护区包括省级、市级和县级自然保护区。

Article 6 

Natural reserves are divided into national and local natural reserves, and local natural reserves consist of natural reserves at the provincial, municipal and county levels.

第七条 国家级和地方级自然保护区的建立、调整和撤销分别按照国务院和省人民政府有关规定执行。

Article 7

National and local natural reserves shall be established, adjusted and revoked in accordance with relevant provisions of the State Council and the people’s government of this Province.


When natural reserves are established or adjusted, major protected species shall be protected effectively, and the local economic construction and the needs of production and living of the residents shall be taken into account.

第八条 建立和调整自然保护区,应当征得其范围内土地、森林等自然资源和房屋等财产的所有权人、使用权人的同意,并与自然资源权利人签订管护和补偿协议。

Article 8 

The establishment and adjustment of natural reserves shall be subject to the consent of the land owners or users, forest and other natural resources, buildings and other property which are located in natural reserves, and the management and protection agreement and the compensation agreement shall be concluded with such persons.

第九条 根据自然资源分布情况和生态环境重要程度,自然保护区可以划分为核心区、缓冲区和实验区,并依法分别采取管护措施。

Article 9

Based on the distribution of natural resources and the importance of ecological environment, natural reserves may be divided into three parts: core zone, buffering zone and experimental zone, and different management and protection measures shall be taken correspondingly according to law.


Where there is no division of zones within natural reserves, the natural reserves shall be managed in accordance with the provisions concerning the core zone or the buffering zone.


The people’s government approving the establishment of a nature reserve may designate a certain amount of area surrounding the nature reserve as the outer protection area.

第三章 自然保护区的管理

Chapter III Management of Natural Reserves

第十条 县级以上人民政府林业主管部门应当在自然保护区内设立专门的管理机构,配备专业技术人员,负责自然保护区的具体管理工作。

Article 10 

The competent forestry departments of the people’s governments at the county level or above shall set up their special management institution in each of natural reserves and provide specialized technical personnel for the management of natural reserves.


The management institution of natural reserves shall, in accordance with relevant national provisions, formulate a protection and management system that tallies with the actual situation of natural reserves, and take measures to strengthen the construction and management of natural reserves.

第十一条 自然保护区管理机构应当组织编制自然保护区总体规划。国家级自然保护区的总体规划,按照国家有关规定报批;地方级自然保护区的总体规划,报同级人民政府审批。

Article 11 

The management institution of natural reserves shall organize to formulate the overall planning of natural reserves. The overall planning of national natural reserves shall be submitted for approval in accordance with relevant national provisions; and the overall planning of local natural reserves shall be submitted to the people’s government at the same level for approval.


When the overall planning expires, any amendment thereof shall be organized and formulated in a timely manner.

第十二条 自然保护区内未确定土地使用权的国有荒山、荒地,其土地使用权划归自然保护区,并由县级以上人民政府土地行政主管部门办理土地使用权划拨和登记手续。

Article 12 

Where the land use right of any waste mountain or wasteland in natural reserves has not been determined, such land use right shall be transferred to the natural reserves, and the transfer and registration formalities of such land use right shall be handled by the competent land administration department of the people’s governments at the county level or above.

第十三条 依法使用自然保护区内土地的单位和个人,不得擅自改变土地用途,扩大使用面积。

Article 13

Units or individuals who use the land within natural reserves according to law are prohibited to change the land use purpose and enlarge the usable land area without authorization.


No unit or individual may damage or encroach on the land within natural reserves. No unit or individual may purchase, sell or illegally transfer the land in other forms within natural reserves.

第十四条 自然保护区的自然环境和自然资源,由保护区管理机构统一管理。任何单位和个人不得侵占、破坏自然保护区的自然环境和自然资源,不得在自然保护区从事不符合自然保护区定位的开发活动。

Article 14

The natural environment and natural resources in natural reserves shall be under the unified management of the management institution of natural reserves. No units or individuals may encroach on or damage the natural environment and natural resources in natural reserves, or carry out any development activities in natural reserves that are inconsistent with the orientation of natural reserves.


Any units or individuals who build any facilities in a natural reserve shall comply with the provisions of relevant laws and regulations, and shall go through the formalities for approval of land planning and land use of construction according to law after obtaining the approval from the competent forestry department of national or provincial people’s government.


The facilities mentioned in the preceding paragraph refer to the infrastructure such as transportation, communication, water supply, power supply and tourism infrastructure consistent with the planning of natural reserves which pass through natural reserves or occupy the land in natural reserves.

第十五条 自然保护区的林木禁止采伐,但是依照法律法规和规章规定可以采伐的除外。

Article 15 

No felling shall be allowed in natural reserves, unless otherwise stipulated by laws, regulations and rules.


The approval from the competent forestry department of the people’s governments at the county level or above shall be obtained if the trees in natural reserves need to be cut in any of the following circumstances:


(1) There exists quarantine pests and the measures shall be taken to blockade and eliminate the pests according to law after the competent forestry department of the provincial people’s government has organized experts to verify the situation;


(2) The survival of major protected species in natural reserves has been threatened, which requires the felling, and after the competent forestry department of the provincial people’s government has organized experts to verify the situation; or


(3) The experimental forest trees in the experimental zone need to be cut according to the experimental scheme.


Bamboo groves in natural reserves may be cut selectively according to local management practices, but the original area of bamboo groves shall not be expanded.

第十六条 各级人民政府应当严格保护自然保护区的生物多样性、景观协调性和自然生态系统的完整性,防止生态环境破坏和生态功能退化。

Article 16 

People’s governments at all levels shall strictly protect the biodiversity, landscape coordination and integrity of natural ecosystem of natural reserves, and prevent the destruction of ecological environment and the deterioration of ecological functions.


Where the forest trees for which no management and protection agreement has been concluded, prior to the implementation of these Measures, with the citizen (s), legal person (s) or any other organization (s) that has made investment in planting and managing the trees and which are planted in the core zone and the buffering zone, the people’s governments at the provincial, municipal or county level may protect the forest trees through such means as the purchase, long-term lease, or exchange.


Where the eucalyptuses, cedars and pines planted in natural reserves which have lower ecological functions and have adverse effects on the biodiversity, landscape coordination and integrity of natural ecosystem of natural reserves and for which no management and protection agreement has been concluded with the citizen, legal person or any other organization prior to the implementation of these Measures that has made investment in planting and managing the trees, the people’s government at the municipal or county level may renovate and upgrade natural reserves according to the scheme approved by the competent forestry department of the provincial people’s government.

第十七条 禁止任何人未经批准擅自进入自然保护区的核心区。因科学研究的需要,必须进入国家级自然保护区核心区从事科学研究观测、调查活动的,应当事先向自然保护区管理机构提交申请和活动计划,并经省人民政府林业主管部门批准;进入地方级自然保护区核心区从事科学研究观测、调查活动的,应当事先向自然保护区管理机构提交申请和活动计划,并经自然保护区所在地县级以上人民政府林业主管部门批准。

Article 17 

No individual may enter the core zone of nature reserves without approval. Where there is a need to enter the core zone of national natural reserves for the purpose of scientific research, observation and investigation, an application form and activity plan shall be submitted to the management institution of the nature reserve in advance and shall be approved by the competent forestry department of the provincial people’s government. Where such scientific research, observation and investigation needs to be carried out in the core zone of a local natural reserve, an application form and activity plan shall be submitted to the management institution of the nature reserve in advance and shall be approved by the competent forestry department of the people’s governments at the county level or above.

第十八条 禁止在自然保护区的缓冲区开展旅游和生产经营活动。因教学科研目的需要进入自然保护区的缓冲区从事非破坏性的科学研究、教学实习和标本采集活动的,应当事先向自然保护区管理机构提交申请和活动计划,经自然保护区管理机构批准。

Article 18

No tourism, production and commercial activities may be carried out in the buffering zone of nature reserves. In the buffering zone of nature reserves, where there is a need to engage in nondestructive activities such as scientific research, educational practice and specimen collection in the buffering zone of nature reserves for the purpose of teaching or scientific research, an application form and activity plan shall be submitted to the management institution of the nature reserves in advance for approval.


Units and individuals who engage in such activities described in the preceding paragraph shall submit a copy of the report of the activity result to the management institution of the nature reserves.

第十九条 本办法第十七条、第十八条规定提交的申请内容包括:进入核心区或者缓冲区的理由、时间、地点、活动范围、参加人员名单、身份证明以及单位证明等材料;提交的活动计划内容包括:活动方案、观测手段、预期目标、环境影响评价以及拟采取的环境保护措施等材料。

Article 19 

The content of the application form to be submitted as required by Articles 17 and 18 hereof includes: reason for entering the core zone or the buffering zone, time, location, range of activity, list of participants, identification paper, unit certificate and other materials. The content of the activity plan to be submitted includes: activity program, observation methods, expected objective, environmental impact assessment, environmental protection measures to be taken and other materials.

第二十条 经自然保护区管理机构同意,可以在自然保护区的实验区开展科学实验、教学实习、参观考察和符合自然保护区规划的旅游,以及驯化、繁殖珍稀濒危野生动植物等活动。法律法规规定从事上述活动应当办理行政许可手续的,从其规定。

Article 20 

With the approval of the management institution of natural reserves, such activities as scientific experiments, educational practice, visit and inspection, tourism consistent with the planning of natural reserves, domestication and breeding of rare and endangered wild animals as well as plants may be carried out in the experimental zone of natural reserves. Where any law or regulation requires administrative licensing formalities for engaging in the above-mentioned activities, such law or regulation shall prevail.


No production and commercial activities other than those mentioned in the preceding paragraph may be carried out in the experimental zone of natural reserves.

第二十一条 自然保护区管理机构应当采取有效措施保护生物多样性,建立陆生野生动物疾病监测和防治体系,制定陆生野生动物疫病和生态环境灾难应急预案,开展环境影响评价和生态监测、评估。

Article 21 

The management institution of natural reserves shall take effective measures to protect the biological diversity, establish a disease surveillance and control system of terrestrial wild animals, formulate emergency plans of terrestrial wild animal epidemic diseases and ecological environmental disasters, and carry out environmental impact assessment and ecological monitoring and evaluation.


The introduction of exotic species into natural reserves shall be controlled strictly, and it is prohibited to carry out introduction experiments and releasing activities of exotic species in natural reserves.

第二十二条 自然保护区管理机构应当会同所在地和毗邻县、区、乡镇人民政府及有关单位,组成自然保护区联合保护委员会,制订保护公约,共同做好保护管理工作。

Article 22 

The management institution of a natural reserve shall work with the local and neighboring people’s governments and relevant units in the county, district and town where the natural reserve is located or where is adjacent to the natural reserve, to set up a natural reserve protection committee to formulate protection convention and carry out protection and management work.


Residents living in a natural reserve shall abide by relevant provisions of the natural reserve, engage in planting and breeding activities in designated production and living areas, and assist the management institution thereof to protect the natural resources.

第二十三条 在省级以上生态公益林总面积控制指标内,自然保护区的森林、林地、林木依法优先纳入省级以上生态公益林。

Article 23

Within the controlling index for the total area of an ecological public-welfare forest at the provincial level or above, the forest, forest land and forest trees of a natural reserve shall be included in the ecological public-welfare forest at the provincial level or above with priority.


People’s governments at the county level or above shall make compensation for the ecological public-welfare forests of natural reserves in accordance with relevant provisions and standards, and protect the production and living of the residents in natural reserves according to law.


The people’s governments at the county level or above where the natural reserves are located shall carry out ecological migration step by step and properly arrange the residents living in the core zone and the buffering zone of natural reserves.

第二十四条 禁止违反规定在自然保护区进行砍伐、放牧、猎捕、捕捞、采药、开垦、烧荒、开矿、采石、挖沙等活动。

Article 24 

It is prohibited to carry out such activities as felling, grazing, hunting, fishing, gathering medicinal herbs, reclaiming, burning the grass, mining, stone-quarrying, and sand dredging in natural reserves in violation of the provisions.

第四章 法律责任

Chapter IV Legal Liability

第二十五条 申报设立自然保护区的县级以上人民政府及其林业主管部门不按照批准文件建设或者不按照规定实施有效管护,造成自然资源严重破坏、失去保护价值,导致自然保护区被撤销的,应当按照国家和省关于党政领导干部生态环境损害责任追究的有关规定追究相关责任人员的责任。

Article 25 

Where a people’s government at the county level or above and its competent forestry department, which applies for establishing a natural reserve, fail to construct the natural reserve according to the approval documents, or fail to manage and protect the natural reserve effectively according to relevant provisions, causing serious damage or protection value loss to the natural resources, or resulting in the revocation of natural reserves, the person (s) in charge shall be held accountable according to relevant national and provincial provisions on the accountability of party leaders and government leaders for ecological environment damage.

第二十六条 违反本办法第十四条第二款规定,在自然保护区违法修筑设施的,由县级以上人民政府林业主管部门责令限期拆除,对个人处以1000元以下的罚款,对单位处以5000元以上30000元以下的罚款。

Article 26 

Where any facility is built in a natural reserve in violation of the provisions of Paragraph 2 of Article 14 of these Measures, the competent forestry department of the people’s governments at the county level or above shall issue an order to demolish such facility within a prescribed time limit, impose a fine of less than 1000 yuan on any involved individual, and impose a fine of more than 5,000 yuan but less than 30,000 yuan on any involved unit.

第二十七条 违反本办法第二十四条规定,在自然保护区进行砍伐、放牧、猎捕、捕捞、采药、开垦、烧荒、开矿、采石、挖沙等活动的,由县级以上人民政府林业主管部门没收违法所得,责令停止违法行为,限期恢复原状或者采取其他补救措施;对自然保护区造成破坏的,可以处以300元以上10000元以下的罚款。法律法规另有规定的,从其规定。

Article 27 

Where any unit or individual, in violation of the provisions of Article 24 of these Measures, engages in such activities as felling, grazing, hunting, fishing, gathering medicinal herbs, reclaiming, burning the grass, mining, stone-quarrying and sand dredging in a natural reserve, the competent forestry department of the people’s governments at the county level or above shall confiscate the illegal gains or order to stop such illegal acts, restore the original state or take other remedial measures within a prescribed time limit, and impose a fine of more than 300 yuan but less than 10,000 yuan if such illegal acts cause damage to natural reserves. Where there are other provisions in the laws or regulations, such laws or regulations shall prevail

第二十八条 林业主管部门和自然保护区管理机构的工作人员滥用职权、玩忽职守、徇私舞弊,情节轻微,尚不构成犯罪的,由其所在单位或者上级机关给予处分;涉嫌犯罪的,移送司法机关依法处理。

Article 28 

Where any staff member of the competent forestry department or the management institution of natural reserves abuses powers, neglects duties or commits illegalities for personal gains, and if the act is minor and does not constitute a crime, he/she shall be subject to sanctions by the department to which he belongs or the organ at the higher level, and if he/she is suspected of committing a crime, he/she shall be referred to the competent judicial authority for prosecution according to law.

第五章 附 则

Chapter V Supplementary Provisions

第二十九条 林业主管部门管理的湿地类型自然保护区的管理,参照本办法执行。

Article 29 

The administration of natural reserves of wetland managed by the competent forestry departments shall be implemented with reference to these Measures.

第三十条 本办法自201751日起施行。1986719日省政府发布,1997年粤府令33号修订的《广东省森林和野生动物类型自然保护区管理实施细则》同时废止。

Article 30 

These Measures shall become effective as of May 1, 2017. The Detailed Implementation Rules of Guangdong Province on the Administration of Natural Reserves of Forest and Wild Animals promulgated by the Provincial People’s Government on July 19, 1986 and amended by the Decree of the People’s Government of Guangdong Province (1997 No. 33) shall be repealed simultaneously.
