Decree of the People’s Government of Guangdong Province
No. 237
The Measures of Guangdong Province on the Supervision and Administration of Manufacturing and Processing Food-related Products adopted at the 93rd Executive Meeting of the 12th Session of the People’s Government of Guangdong Province on January 15, 2017 are hereby promulgated and shall become effective on July 1, 2017.
省长 马兴瑞
Governor Ma Xingrui
May 17, 2017
Measures of Guangdong Province on the Supervision and Administration of Manufacturing and Processing Food-related Products
第一章 总 则
Chapter I General Provisions
第一条 为了加强食品相关产品生产加工的监督管理,提高产品质量,明确产品质量责任,根据《中华人民共和国产品质量法》《中华人民共和国食品安全法》《中华人民共和国工业产品生产许可证管理条例》等相关法律法规,结合本省实际,制定本办法。
Article 1
These Measures are formulated for the purposes of enhancing the supervision and administration of manufacturing and processing food-related products, improving the quality of products, and specifying the product liability in accordance with such laws and regulations as the Law of the People’s Republic of China on Product Quality, Food Safety Law of the People’s Republic of China, and Regulations of the People’s Republic of China on the Administration of Production License for Industrial Products, and in light of the actual situation of this Province.
第二条 本办法所称食品相关产品,是指用于直接接触食品的包装材料、容器、洗涤剂、消毒剂和用于食品生产经营的工具、设备等。
Article 2
For the purpose of these Measures, the term “food-related products” means the packing materials, containers, detergents and disinfectants directly contact foods, and the utensils and equipment for food production and operation.
These Measures shall apply to the manufacturing and processing activities as well as the supervision and administration of food-related products within the administrative region of this Province.
第三条 食品相关产品生产企业是产品质量安全第一责任人,对其生产的食品相关产品质量安全负责。
Article 3
The manufacturer of food-related products is the first person responsible for the quality safety of products, who shall be responsible for the safety of its food-related product.
The manufacturer of food-related products shall, in accordance with the laws, regulations, rules and relevant standards, engage in the manufacturing and processing activities, establish and improve the safety management system of product quality, and take effective management measures so as to guarantee the safety of product quality.
第四条 县级以上人民政府对本行政区域的食品相关产品质量安全监督管理工作负责,统一领导、组织、协调本行政区域食品相关产品生产加工的监督管理工作以及突发事件应对工作,并将食品安全工作经费列入本级政府财政预算,加强食品及食品相关产品安全监督管理能力建设。
Article 4
People’s governments at the county level or above shall be responsible for the safety supervision and administration of product quality within their administrative regions, who shall lead, organize and coordinate in a unified manner the supervision and administration of manufacturing and processing food-related products and response to the emergencies, incorporate the funds for food safety into their fiscal budget, and strengthen the capacity-building for the safety supervision and administration of the foods and food-related products.
The competent department of quality and technology supervision of the people’s governments at the county level or above shall be responsible for the supervision and administration of manufacturing and processing food-related products within its respective administrative regions; such administrative departments as the industry and commerce, food and drug supervision and administration and agriculture authorities shall coordinate with each other to work properly on the supervision and administration of manufacturing and processing food-related products within their respective functions and duties.
第五条 县级以上人民政府质量技术监督主管部门对食品相关产品生产实行分类监管,对纳入国家实行生产许可证制度的工业产品目录(以下简称目录)的食品相关产品,强化许可后监管;对未纳入目录的食品相关产品,加强风险监测。
Article 5
The competent department of quality and technology supervision of the people’s governments at the county level or above shall implement the classified supervision and administration of manufacturing food-related products, and strengthen the supervision and administration of those products after license that are included into the national industrial product catalogue (hereinafter referred to as the “catalogue”) under the production license system; and enhance the risk monitoring of relevant food-related products that are not included into the catalogue.
第六条 县级以上人民政府质量技术监督主管部门应当加强食品相关产品安全的宣传教育,普及食品相关产品质量安全知识,增强消费者的食品相关产品安全意识。
Article 6
The competent department of quality and technology supervision of the people’s governments at the county level or above shall strengthen the publicity and education on the safety of food-related products, disseminate the knowledge on the quality and safety of food-related products and increase customer’s safety awareness of such products.
第二章 生产许可
Chapter II Production License
第七条 实施食品相关产品生产许可,应当遵循便民、高效的原则,不断优化审批程序,提高办事效率。
Article 7
Implementing the production license of food-related products shall follow the principles of being convenient to the public and highly efficient, and shall continuously optimize the examination and approval procedures and improve the efficiency in handling matters.
The competent department of quality and technology supervision in charge of production license of food-related products (hereinafter referred to as the “licensing department”) shall formulate and publicize the service guide and business handbook for the administrative licensing items in accordance with the unified provincial compilation standards and specify such licensing items as the names, bases, implementation departments, conditions, procedures, terms, processes, criteria, charge bases (charging items and standards), as well as the methods, materials and text formats for applications.
第八条 申请取得食品相关产品生产许可证的企业,应当符合法律、法规、规章以及食品相关产品生产许可证实施细则(以下简称实施细则)等规定的条件。
Article 8
The manufacturer of food-related products applying for the production license shall comply with the conditions prescribed by the laws, regulations, rules, and implementation rules for such license (hereinafter referred to as the “implementation rules”).
The implementation rules shall be released to the public in accordance with law.
第九条 上级质量技术监督主管部门依法可以将下级质量技术监督主管部门具有实施能力,且由其实施更方便有效的食品相关产品生产许可下放下一级质量技术监督主管部门实施。
Article 9
Where the competent department of quality and technology supervision at the lower level is capable of implementing the licensing for the food-related products in a more convenient and effective manner, the competent department of quality and technology supervision at the higher level may delegate such implementation of production licensing to the competent department at the lower level.
With regard to the products included in the catalogue, the licensing department may, according to the actual situation, grant the production license to part of the products based on the applicant’s promises; where the applicant makes a promise in writing that its products are in conformity with the conditions for granting the license, the licensing department may grant the production license accordingly.
The licensing department shall conduct examinations of the production license on other food-related products that are included in the catalogue, and shall conduct field inspections and exempt them from the product testing requirement.
第十条 企业生产列入目录的产品,应当向许可部门提出申请。
Article 10
Where the manufacturer produces the products that are included in the catalogue, it shall submit the application to the licensing department.
Where the application is submitted online, the applicant may send the original copy of application materials to the licensing department for verification within five working days from the date of acceptance, or submit the application materials to the field inspectors for verification. The inspectors shall verify the original copy of application materials and indicate the result of verification.
第十一条 对产品生产许可实施承诺许可且其申请材料符合要求的,由许可部门自受理之日起10个工作日内作出准予生产许可的决定;对其他产品生产许可申请,其申请材料符合要求的,由许可部门依法组织实地核查,并自受理之日起30个工作日内根据核查结果作出是否准予生产许可的决定。
Article 11
Where the production license is granted based on the applicant’s promise and the application materials thereof are in conformity with the requirements, the licensing department shall make a decision of granting the production license within 10 working days from the date of acceptance. With regard to the application for production license of other products, where the application materials are in conformity with the requirements, the licensing department shall organize to conduct the field inspection for verification in accordance with law, and make a decision to grant or not to grant such license based on the result of verification within 30 working days from the date of acceptance.
第十二条 实地核查由许可部门依法设立的审查机构承担,工作经费列入本级政府财政预算。审查机构应当依法指派核查人员组成审查组对申请人进行实地核查。
Article 12
Field inspections shall be conducted by the examination institution established by the licensing department in accordance with law, and the funds for inspections shall be incorporated into the fiscal budget of the people’s government at the corresponding level. The examination institution shall assign its inspectors to constitute an inspection team for field inspection.
The inspection team shall keep the evidence that can prove whether the applicant conforms to the conditions for granting the production license by such measures as video or photo taking.
The inspection team shall draw a conclusion after field inspection according to the requirements of the implementation rules. The leader of the inspection team shall be responsible for the work of the team, while the inspection team shall be responsible for the result of field inspection.
第十三条 通过网上提出申请的,申请人不能按照本办法第十条的规定提交申请材料原件供核对,或者提交的申请材料与原件不符的,许可部门应当作出不予生产许可的决定。
Article 13
Where the application is submitted online but the applicant fails to submit the original copy of application materials for verification as provided in Article 10 of these Measures, or the application materials submitted are not in conformity with the original copy, the licensing department shall make a decision of not granting the production license.
第十四条 实地核查时,申请人存在下列情形之一的,审查组应当按照实地核查不合格处理:
Article 14
Where the applicant has any of the following circumstances at the time of field inspection, the application shall be deemed unqualified in the field inspection by the inspection team:
(一) 不配合实施实地核查计划的;
(1) Failing to cooperate with the field inspection plan;
(2) Failing to conduct the trial production at the time of field inspection; or
(3) Such information as the actual manufacturing site and products are not in conformity with the declaration in the application materials.
第十五条 许可部门受理生产许可申请后,作出生产许可决定前,发现有下列情形之一的,可以暂停办理相关的行政许可申请事项:
Article 15
Where any of the following circumstances occur after the licensing department accepts the application for production license but before making a decision of granting such license, the licensing department may suspend to handle the items of application for the administrative licensing:
(1) The applicant committed an illegal act that may influence the decision of granting the production license, and such illegal act is still in the process of handling;
(2) The applicant’s manufacturing site and equipment are in a dispute over the ownership or the right to use, and the access to such manufacturing site and equipment is temporarily uncertain; or
(3) Such issues as involving the industrial policies and the applicability of product catalogue require clarifications from the competent department.
Where the handling of production license is suspended, the licensing department shall issue a written certification affixed with its special seal for administrative licensing and indicated with the date, giving reasons to such suspension, and serve the certification to the applicant in accordance with law.
Where the reasons for the suspended handling disappear, the licensing department shall resume the administrative licensing procedures and notify the applicant of such progress.
第十六条 申请人需要暂缓实地核查的,应当书面提交行政许可暂停办理申请,许可部门应当自收到申请书之日起5个工作日内作出是否准予暂停的决定。准予暂停的,许可部门应当书面通知申请人暂停办理生产行政许可,暂停期限不超过6个月。
Article 16
Where the applicant requires the suspension of field inspection, it shall submit an application in writing for suspended handling of administrative licensing, and the licensing department shall make a decision to permit or not to permit such suspension within 5 working days from the date of receiving the application. Where the suspension is permitted, the licensing department shall notify the applicant of such suspension in writing, and the suspension period shall not exceed 6 months.
第十七条 许可部门应当公示作出行政许可的工作期限,该期限不得超过法定的期限。
Article 17
The licensing department shall make the period of granting the administrative licensing in public, which shall not exceed the statutory time limit.
The suspension period shall not be counted into the time limit prescribed in the preceding paragraph.
第十八条 企业生产许可证有效期届满,需要延续有效期限的,应当在生产许可证有效期届满前1个月,提出延续申请。
Article 18
Where the manufacturer needs to extend the valid period of production license upon expiration, it shall file an application for extension one month prior to the expiration.
The application for extension of production license shall be granted based on the applicant’s promise. Where the applicant makes a promise in writing indicating the conformity with the conditions for granting the license at the time of applying for the extension, and the application materials are in conformity with the requirements, the licensing department shall make a decision of permitting such extension within 10 working days from the date of acceptance.
第三章 生产加工行为规范
Chapter III Norms of Conduct for Product Manufacturing and Processing
第十九条 食品相关产品生产企业应当具有相应的生产场所以及设备设施,并且符合有关法律、法规、规章、标准、实施细则规定的条件。
Article 19
The manufacturer of food-related products shall possess the corresponding manufacturing site, equipment and facilities, and comply with the conditions provided in relevant laws, regulations, rules, standards and implementation rules.
第二十条 禁止生产经营下列食品相关产品:
Article 20
The manufacturer shall be prohibited from manufacturing and operating the following food-related products:
(1) Manufacturing the products with raw materials and additives that fail to comply with relevant laws and regulations, standards or requirements of food safety;
(2) Manufacturing the products with the additives exceeding the permissible scope or quantity limit, which violates the laws and regulations, standards or requirements of food safety; and
(3) Manufacturing the products with other substances as raw materials that might endanger human health.
第二十一条 食品相关产品生产企业的负责人应当落实产品质量安全管理制度,对本企业的产品质量安全工作全面负责。
Article 21
The person in charge of the manufacturer of food-related products shall carry out the safety management system of product quality, and assume the overall responsibility for the safety of its product quality.
The manufacturer of food-related products shall set up and improve the safety management system of product quality, and implement quality control of such links as the purchase of raw materials, control and inspection of the manufacturing process and the factory product inspection.
第二十二条 食品相关产品生产企业应当建立原料进货查验记录制度,如实记录原料的名称、规格、数量、生产日期或者生产批号、保质期、进货日期以及供货者名称、地址、联系方式等内容,并保存相关凭证。记录和凭证保存期限不得少于产品保质期满后6个月;没有明确保质期的,保存期限不得少于2年。
Article 22
The manufacturer of food-related products shall establish a system of checking the record of raw materials purchased, faithfully record such information as the names, specifications, numbers, dates of production, batch numbers, quality guarantee periods, and dates of purchase of raw materials, as well as the names, addresses and contacts of suppliers, and keep relevant vouchers. The records and vouchers shall be kept for not less than six months upon expiration of the product guarantee period; where the guarantee period is not specified, such records and vouchers shall be kept for not less than two years.
The manufacturer of food-related products shall check the qualification certificate of the same batch of products when purchasing the raw materials. Where the raw materials used are included in the catalogue, it shall purchase the products with the certificate and check the production licenses of such manufacturers.
第二十三条 食品相关产品生产企业应当建立产品出厂检验制度,对所生产的产品按照食品安全标准进行检验,检验合格后方可出厂或者销售。企业不具备检验能力的,应当委托有资质的检验机构进行检验,并保存相关凭证。
Article 23
The manufacturer of food-related products shall establish a system for the factory inspection of products and conduct the inspection according to the standards of food safety. Only the qualified products after the inspection shall be permitted to leave the factory or to be sold. Where the manufacturer has no capacity for inspection, it shall entrust a qualified inspection institution to conduct inspection and keep relevant certificates.
The manufacturer of food-related products shall faithfully record such information of the manufactured products as the names, specifications, numbers, dates of production, or batch numbers, quality guarantee periods, inspection certificate numbers, dates of sale, and the names, addresses and contacts of purchasers and keep relevant vouchers. The period for keeping such records and vouchers shall be in conformity with the provisions provided in Paragraph 1 of Article 22 of these Measures.
第二十四条 食品相关产品的包装或者标签应当标明法律、法规、规章、标准、实施细则等规定的事项,产品显著位置应当标注“食品接触用”、“食品包装用”或者类似用语、标志。根据产品的特点难以标注的,应当在产品最小销售包装上进行标注。
Article 24
The items as required by laws, regulations, rules, standards and implementation rules shall be indicated on the packages or labels of food-related products, and such words or signs as “Used for Food Contact”, “Used for Food Package” shall be indicated on the obviously visible place of products. Where it is difficult to indicate due to the features of products, such words or signs shall be indicated on the product’s smallest sale packages.
第二十五条 食品相关产品生产企业应当建立食品相关产品召回制度,对其已售出的缺陷产品实施召回。
Article 25
The manufacturer of food-related products shall establish a recall system for food-related products so as to recall the defective products that have already been sold.
For the purpose of these Measures, the term “defect” means any unreasonable danger arising from the design, manufacture or label that generally exist in the same batch of products with the same model number or in the same type which may endanger personal or property safety, and any hazard exposed during the process of normal use.
第二十六条 食品相关产品生产企业应当如实记录召回实施情况,留存召回通知、召回产品品种、数量以及无害化处理、销毁等相关凭证。对因标签、标志或者说明书存在缺陷而被召回的产品,企业在采取补救措施且能保证产品质量安全的,可以继续销售。
Article 26
The manufacturer of food-related products shall faithfully record the information on product recall and keep relevant vouchers such as the recall notice, types and numbers of recalled products, innocuous disposal or destruction. It may continue to sell the products which are recalled due to defects in labels, signs or specifications after taking remedial measures and being able to ensure the safety of product quality thereof.
第二十七条 企业应当将食品相关产品召回和处理情况向所在地质量技术监督主管部门报告;需要对召回的产品进行无害化处理、销毁的,应当提前报告时间、地点。质量技术监督主管部门可以实施现场监督。
Article 27
The manufacturer shall report the information on the recall and disposal of food-related products to the local competent department of quality and technology supervision; where there is a need to make innocuous disposal of or to destroy the recalled products, the manufacturer shall report the time and the location to the competent department in advance. The competent department of quality and technology supervision may oversee the disposal or the destruction of recalled products on the site.
Where the manufacturer fails to recall its defective products or stop the production of defective products as required, the competent department of quality and technology supervision may order to recall such products or stop the production thereof.
第二十八条 食品相关产品生产企业应当建立产品追溯制度,保证产品可追溯。
Article 28
The manufacturer of food-related products shall establish a product tracing system to ensure the traceability of products.
The manufacturer of food-related products is encouraged to gather and remain the information on production and operation through information technology.
第二十九条 鼓励食品相关产品生产企业投保产品责任保险。
Article 29
The manufacturer of food-related products is encouraged to purchase the product liability insurance.
第四章 监督管理
Chapter V Supervision and Administration
第三十条 县级以上人民政府质量技术监督主管部门应当对食品相关产品生产企业生产加工活动是否符合法律、法规、规章的规定进行监督检查。
Article 30
The competent department of quality and technology of the people’s governments at the county level or above shall supervise and inspect the manufacturer’s production and processing activities of food-related products to ascertain whether they comply with the provisions provided by (relevant) laws, regulations and rules.
The competent department of the people’s governments at the county level or above shall implement a supervision and inspection system in which random inspections are the main method used for food-related products.
第三十一条 县级以上人民政府质量技术监督主管部门应当建立随机抽查机制,制定随机抽查事项清单,明确抽查依据、抽查主体、抽查内容、抽查方式等,及时向社会公布。
Article 31
The competent department of quality and technology supervision of the people’s governments at the county level or above shall establish a random inspection mechanism, formulate a list of random inspection items, specify the basis, subject, content and method of random inspection, and release such information to the public in a timely manner.
The competent department of quality and technology supervision of the people’s governments at the county level or above shall establish a double random supervision mechanism, which includes randomly selected objects and inspectors for the inspections, establish and improve a directory database of manufacturers of food-related products and inspectors, and randomly determine the objects of inspections and inspectors through such means as lottery. Where the manufacturer has such circumstances as being complained for many times, being listed as a key enterprise for supervision and inspection, or having the record of seriously violation of laws and regulations, the department shall increase the frequency of random inspection on such manufacturer.
第三十二条 县级以上人民政府质量技术监督主管部门应当及时向社会公布监督抽查情况以及抽查发现的违法违规行为查处结果。对监督抽查发现可能存在系统性、行业性、区域性的质量安全问题,质量技术监督主管部门可以采取召开产品质量分析会、约谈企业负责人等措施,督促企业落实质量安全主体责任。
Article 32
The competent department of quality and technology supervision of the people’s governments at the county level or above shall release such information to the public in a timely manner on the supervision and inspection, as well as the investigation and punishment of illegal acts discovered during the random selection. Where the problems discovered during the supervision and random inspection might have the impact of systemic, industrial or regional nature in connection with the safety of product quality, the competent department may take such measures as convening an analytical meeting of product quality and interviewing the responsible person of the manufacturers so as to supervise them to undertake the principal responsibility for the safety of project quality.
第三十三条 县级以上人民政府质量技术监督主管部门应当将有下列情形的企业列为重点监督检查对象,并可以约谈企业负责人或者质量管理负责人,约谈情况应当纳入企业质量信用档案:
Article 33
Where the manufacturer falls under any of the following circumstances, the competent department of quality and technology supervision of the people’s governments at the county level or above shall list the enterprise as the key object of supervision and inspection, and may also interview with the person responsible for the manufacturer or the person in charge of product quality management, and such interview records shall be included in the credit file of product quality of enterprises:
(一) 发生食品相关产品质量安全事故的;
(1) Safety accidents on the quality of food-related products occur;
(2) Serious quality problems exist in the supervision and random inspection of product quality;
(3) Safety risks of products are discovered during the monitoring process;
(4) The manufacturer has been investigated and punished for more than 3 times accumulatively due to the acts of violating the product safety requirement; and
(5) The manufacturer fails to make corrections as required.
Interviews with the manufacturer concerned shall be conducted by the competent department of quality and technology supervision at the municipal, county (district) or township level where the enterprise is located. The competent provincial department of quality and technology supervision may organize such interviews with the manufacturer concerned in case of need.
第三十四条 获证企业不能持续保持应当具备的条件的,由许可部门责令限期改正;情节严重或者逾期未改正的,撤销其生产许可。
Article 34
Where the manufacturer with a production license fails to maintain the conditions continuously as required, the licensing department shall order it to make corrections within the prescribed time limit; where the circumstances are serious or the enterprise concerned fails to make corrections within the prescribed time limit, the department shall revoke the production license accordingly.
With regard to the manufacturers with a production license granted on the basis of the promise, the licensing department may organize random supervision and inspection on required manufacturing conditions of the manufacturers in accordance with certain percentage within 3 months from the date of issuing the license.
第三十五条 有下列情形之一的,许可部门应当注销生产许可:
Article 35
The licensing department shall revoke the production license under any of the following circumstances:
(一) 企业依法终止的;
(1) The manufacturer is terminated in accordance with law;
(2) The manufacturer fails to manufacture the production items licensed due to force majeure;
(3) The manufacturer does not engage any longer in the manufacturing and processing activities of products included in the catalogue;
(4) The manufacturer’s products licensed for production are included in the national catalogue of eliminated or prohibited products; or
(5) Other circumstances that the production license shall be revoked in accordance with law.
The licensing department shall notify the manufacturer concerned before revoking the production license and listen to the opinions and statements of the manufacturer.
第三十六条 县级以上人民政府质量技术监督主管部门在日常监督管理工作中,发现辖区内获证企业存在依法应当撤销生产许可的情形,应当依法调查取证后移送许可部门,由许可部门依法作出撤销生产许可的决定。
Article 36
Where the competent department of quality and technology supervision of people’s governments at the county level or above, during its daily supervision and administration, discovers that the manufacturer with production license within the administrative region has the circumstances that the production license shall be revoked by law, it shall transfer the case to the licensing department after conducting the investigation and collecting the evidence, and the licensing department shall make a decision of revoking the production license in accordance with law.
Where the competent department of quality and technology supervision of the people’s governments at the county level or above discovers the manufacturer with production license within the administrative region has the circumstances that the production license shall be revoked, it shall impose an administrative penalty of revoking the production license in accordance with law, and copy the decision to the licensing department.
第三十七条 省、市人民政府质量技术监督主管部门应当加强食品相关产品风险监测,对监测发现或者其他部门通报的质量安全风险信息,应当及时组织筛查、研判和处置,防止发生质量安全事故;对监测发现食品相关产品可能影响食品安全的,应当及时通报食品药品监督管理部门。
Article 37
The competent department of quality and technology supervision of the people’s governments at the provincial and municipal levels shall strengthen risk monitoring of food-related products, screen, study and determine, as well as dispose in a timely manner the information on safety risk of product quality discovered during the monitoring processor informed by other departments in order to prevent safety accidents of product quality. Where the department discovers that food-related products might affect food safety during the monitoring process, it shall inform the food and drug supervision and administration department of such circumstances in a timely manner.
第三十八条 市人民政府质量技术监督主管部门经筛查、研判认为属于重要的食品相关产品质量安全风险信息,应当提出处置意见,并报送省人民政府质量技术监督主管部门。
Article 38
Where the competent department of quality and technology supervision of the municipal people’s government deems it as the important information on safety risk of food-related product quality after screening, studying and determining, it shall raise its disposition opinions on the matter, and submit the opinions to the competent department of quality and technology supervision of provincial people’s government.
The competent department of quality and technology supervision of the provincial people’s government shall release to the public in a uniform manner the risk information which requires public attention or has already caused certain social impact.
第三十九条 县级以上人民政府质量技术监督主管部门应当建立辖区内食品相关产品生产企业质量信用档案,记录许可证颁发、监督检查结果、违法行为查处等情况,依法向社会公布;对有不良质量信用记录的企业,应当将其列入质量失信企业名单,并通报相关监管部门,依法在信贷、消费等领域对其实施惩戒或者限制措施。企业自被记录不良质量信用信息之日起满5年未再出现不良质量信用行为的,由质量技术监督主管部门将其从名单中删除。
Article 39
The competent department of quality and technology supervision of the people’s governments at the county level or above shall establish a credit file on the quality of manufacturers’ food-related products within its jurisdiction, record such information as the issuance of (production) license, results of the supervisions and inspections, investigation and punishment of illegal manufacturing acts, and release such information to the public in accordance with law. It shall include the manufacturers with credit records of poor quality in the list of enterprises with discredited quality and inform relevant supervision departments of such list, and impose disciplinary or restricted measures in the banking loan and consumption fields in accordance with law. The department shall remove those discredited enterprises from the list if they have no more credit records of poor quality within five years from the date of being recorded with poor quality credit.
第四十条 县级以上人民政府质量技术监督主管部门应当建立食品相关产品质量安全举报奖励制度。鼓励公民、法人和其他组织举报食品相关产品生产加工违法活动,对查证属实的举报,质量技术监督主管部门应当按照相关规定给予举报人奖励,并对举报人的信息予以保密,保护举报人的合法权益。
Article 40
The competent department of quality and technology supervision of the people’s governments at the county level or above shall establish a reward system for reporting the quality safety of food-related products. Citizens, legal persons, and other organizations are encouraged to report illegal acts in manufacturing and processing food-related products. If the reports are proved to be true, the competent department of quality and technology supervision shall reward the reporters, keep the information of such reporters confidential and protect their legitimate rights and interests.
Chapter V Legal Liability
Article 41
Where the manufacturer, in violation of the provisions of these Measures, has any of the following circumstances, the competent department of quality and technology supervision of the people’s governments at the county level or above shall confiscate the products illegally manufactured and processed, and impose a fine of not less than 20,000 yuan but not more than 50,000 yuan:
(1) Manufacturing products with raw materials and additives that fail to comply with relevant laws and regulations, standards or requirements of food safety;
(2) Manufacturing products with the additives exceeding the permissible scope or quantity limit, which violate the laws and regulations, standards or requirements on food safety; or
(3) Manufacturing food-related products with other substances as raw materials that might endanger human health.
第四十二条 违反本办法规定,企业有下列情形之一的,由县级以上人民政府质量技术监督主管部门责令改正;拒不改正的,处5000元以上2万元以下罚款;情节严重的,处2万元以上5万元以下罚款:
Article 42
Where the manufacturer, in violation of the provisions of these Measures, has one of the following circumstances, the competent department of quality and technology supervision of the people’s governments at the county level or above shall order to make corrections, and impose a fine of not less than 5,000 yuan but not more than 20,000yuan if the manufacturer refuses to make corrections; where the circumstances are serious, the department shall impose a fine of not less than 20,000 yuan but not more than 50,000 yuan:
(一) 未按规定建立产品质量安全管理制度的;
(1) Failing to establish a management system on the safety of product quality as required;
(2) Failing to conduct inspection on raw materials, or to establish and follow the system for checking the record of purchased goods as required; and
(3) Failing to establish and follow the inspection system for manufactured products as required.
Article 43
Where the manufacturer of food-related products, in violation of Article 23 of the Measures, fails to handle the inspection matters on its manufactured food-related products as required, the competent department of quality and technology supervision of the people’s governments at the county level or above shall order to make corrections and impose a warning; where the manufacturer refuses to make corrections, the department shall impose a fine of not less than 5,000 yuan but not more than 50,000 yuan; where the circumstances are serious, the department shall order the manufacturer concerned to stop the production and business operation, and even revoke the production license.
第四十四条 食品相关产品生产企业违反本办法第二十四条,未在产品显著位置标注“食品接触用”、“食品包装用”或类似用语、标志的,由县级以上人民政府质量技术监督主管部门处5万元以下罚款。
Article 44
Where the manufacturer of food-related products, in violation of Article 24 of the Measures, fails to indicate such words or signs as “Used for Food Contact” and “Used for Food Package” in obviously visible places, the competent department of quality and technology supervision of the people’s governments at the county level or above shall impose a fine of not more than 50,000 yuan.
第四十五条 质量技术监督主管部门、审查机构、检验机构及其工作人员,在食品相关产品生产加工监管工作中滥用职权、玩忽职守、徇私舞弊的,依照有关规定处理。
Article 45
Where the competent department of quality and technology supervision, review and examination institution, inspection institution and staff members thereof abuse powers, neglect duties, or commit illegalities for personal gains in the supervision and inspection of manufacturing and processing food-related products, they shall be investigated and punished in accordance with relevant provisions.
第五章 附 则
Chapter VI Supplementary Provisions
第四十六条 本办法自2017年7月1日起施行。
Article 46
These Measures shall become effective as of July 1, 2017.